Record Book Forms

Each 4-Her is required to submit their Personal Page, Permanent Record, and write a 4-H story at the end of the 4-H year.

Additionally, 4-Hers can complete a Project Report Form for each of their 4-H projects and be eligible for achievement pins.

These pins will be handed out at the annual Achievement Banquet that is held in November. 4-Hers will need to complete a Project Report Form and submit them to their club for county Project judging. 4-Hers 16 and older may qualify for area and state Project judging thereafter. We highly encourage 4-Hers to complete the Project Report Forms.

Below is a link for all the forms in Microsoft Word, PDF, and RTF.

Project Recognition Check Sheet

Personal Information Page

Permanent Record

Junior (7-9) General Project Report Form

Junior (7-9) Animal Project Report Form

Intermediate (10-13) General Project Report Form

Intermediate(10-13) Animal Project Report Form

Senior (14-18) General Project Report Form

Senior (14-18) Animal Project Report Form

Zbooks Online 4-H Record Keeping

Guide to Kansas 4-H Project Recognition

Member Achievement Pins

Throughout your 4-H Career, youth are eligible to complete Member Achievement Plans. They will earn membership pins by being active in their clubs & projects and filling out the proper forms:

Award Forms

Enrollment Forms

Officer's Training

Officer's Training will be held in the fall of each year for those who have been elected an officer of their 4-H Club.

Officer's Training for 2023 will be Sunday, October 15th in the 4-H Building.

Livestock Forms

Please remember to submit your livestock household declaration form by May 15th each year.

Horse Project Information

All horse project members need to complete their Horse ID papers by June 1st of each year.