Finney County - YQCA
Starting in 2019, Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) will be REQUIRED for exhibitors showing market and breeding animals in the Kansas State Fair Grand Drive, Kansas Junior Livestock Show (KJLS), the Finney County Fair and several other shows.
There are two ways to get certified, either way you will need to register online through YQCA. You can get certified online or through an instructor led class. Completing the online version will cost you $12 and the instructor led classes will be $3 per person. After completion the student will be able to print the certificate at home. Finney County Extension Office will offer two training's.
YQCA Help Videos:
Training's in Finney County:
YQCA Training dates are shown below. Any questions or need help, contact Janet at 620-872-2930 or jlp27@ksu.edu.

For Help, Contact: